Heyman Center Common Room
ICLS and Ambedkar Initiative
Practicing Caste by Aniket Jaaware (Fordham University Press, 2018) suggests the limits of the historical, sociological, political, and moral categories through which caste has usually been discussed. The book draws on the resources that phenomenology, structuralism, and poststructuralism offer to illuminate the ethical relations that caste entails, especially around its injunctions concerning touching. The resulting insights offer new ways of thinking about sociality that exceed the specifics of caste and its South Asian entailments.
Please join us to commemorate Aniket’s untimely passing and to celebrate the publication of this important book. (refreshments will be served)
Discussants: Ben Baer (Princeton University); Bruno Bosteels (ICLS and LAIC); Brent Edwards (English and ICLS); Anupama Rao (History; ICLS; MESAAS) and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (University Professor).