October 13, 2011


The LeRoy Neiman Gallery,
The School of the Arts at Columbia University

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Event Organizer

Event Sponsor

Event Co-Sponsor(s)

Organized by the Engendering Archives Project of the Center for the Critical Analysis of Social Difference, this conference is convened on the tenth anniversary of the events of September 11, 2001. In a series of presentations and conversations, an international group of artists, writers, activists and individuals directly affected by urban injury will imagine creative modes of reinvention in response to urban disaster.  Together our participants ask, what are the effects of catastrophe on cities, their inhabitants, and the larger world?  How can we address the politics of terror with which states react to their vulnerability? What enduring wounds does catastrophe leave on urban life, and how can they be mobilized and transformed in the aftermath of injury to enable the imagination of new modes of social life and to thwart impending forms of social death?


Columbia University, October 14-15

Encounters in the Aftermath: Works by Lorie Novak

exhibition on view in the Neiman Gallery October 10-21

The publication of The Art of Clive Van Den Berg: Unlearning the Grounds of Art

with text by Rosalind C. Morris, published by Goodman Gallery (Johannesburg)



October 14, 2011 at 11:00 AM  Various Dates


Columbia University Miller Theatre and Wood Auditorium


Narrators from the 9/11 Oral History Project

Mapa Teatro from Bogota, Colombia will do a Lecture-Performance of their work “Testimony to the Ruins.”

A coordinated exhibition, “Photographic Interference: Works by Lorie Novak” will accompany the conference.

Moderators include Gerry Albarelli, Carol Becker, Mary Marshall Clark, Saidiya Hartman, Anne McClintock, Rosalind Morris, Diana Taylor, and Mabel Wilson.

Tina Campt, Marianne Hirsch, Jean Howard, and Laura Wexler are co-organizers of the conference.

The conference is being sponsored by The Columbia University Engendering Archives Project of the Center for the Critical Analysis of Social Difference.  It is being co-sponsored by the Columbia University President’s Office, Oral History Research Office, Friends of Columbia University Libraries, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, Society of Fellows, Dart Center, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, Institute for Religion, Culture and Public Life, Barnard Center for Research on Women, Hemispheric Institute for Performance and Politics, Yale University Public Humanities Program.

Participants include:

  • Ariella Azoulay
  • Nina Bernstein
  • Teddy Cruz
  • Hazel V. Carby
  • Ann Jones
  • Dinh Q. Lê
  • Shirin Neshat
  • Walid Ra’ad
  • Saskia Sassen
  • Karen Till
  • Clive van den Berg
  • Eyal Weizman

Please contact Kate Trebuss with any questions.

 The Heyman Center for the Humanities, Room B-101
74 Morningside Drive
New York, NY, 10027
  (212) 854-4541
  (212) 854-3099