Psychoanalytic Studies Program

Making Freud Matter: Teaching Freud to Undergraduates – December 5, 2023 Event

Adele Tutter
, Director of the Psychoanalytic Studies Program; Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Faculty, Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research at CUMC.


Gil Anidjar (MESAAS/Religion)
Gila Ashtor (Clinical Psychiatry)
Thomas Dodman (French)
Lydia Goehr (Philosophy)
Stathis Gourgouris (Classics/English/ICLS)
Jonathan House (Psychiatry)
Lydia H. Liu (EALAC)
Eric Marcus (Clinical Psychiatry)
Fred Neuhouser (Philosophy)
Karen Seeley (Anthropology)
Maura Spiegel (English)
Craig Tomlinson (Clinical Psychiatry)
Adele Tutter (Clinical Psychiatry)


The Psychoanalytic Studies Program (PSP) is a non-degree and non-clinical program that grants a graduate certificate in Psychoanalytic Studies upon fulfillment of the program’s requirements. The PSP deals with the theory, application, and history of psychoanalytic thought and practice across a broad range of disciplines, and is is designed to meet the needs of students in the humanities and social sciences who want to gain a strong background in psychoanalytic concepts of mind, culture and science. The Certificate in Psychoanalytic Studies enriches graduate training and informs dissertation research, and offers students an additional and valuable set of methodological and disciplinary tools that are particularly valuable in careers that emphasize interdisciplinary training, research and teaching abilities.

The PSP is a joint program of the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and is housed at ICLS.

The graduate certificate is only open to students already enrolled in a graduate program in the Arts and Sciences at Columbia, and is primarily designed for students pursuing a doctorate in departments in the humanities and social sciences, although students in free-standing Master’s programs may enroll in the core courses (and electives) and complete the certificate.

Course requirements consist of a minimum of six to seven courses (no fewer than 21 credits), which can be taken at any time and in any order during the student’s graduate career. Two of these are required, the core courses, “Core Concepts of Freud’s Thinking” (CLPS G4200) and “Core Concepts of Post-Freudian Thought” (CLPS G4201), which are offered regularly under the auspices of the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society. The two core courses must be taken for a letter grade.

Students must also complete at least four classes from a list of approved electives (any CLPS course subjects) to complete the total minimum requirement of six to seven courses (21 credits). Students may also petition the PSP Director to approve relevant courses not offered under the CLPS course subject by providing appropriate documentation (course syllabus, term paper topic, etc.). At least two of the elective courses must be taken for a letter grade.

As you plan to begin the certificate program, please submit the following worksheet with DGS signature and your one-page rationale for entering the program to the administrative office of the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society (HB1-1 Heyman Center, Mail Code 5700) or via email to As you proceed through the program, continue to update your worksheet with the ICLS Administrative office.

Upon completing the coursework, a student should submit a one-page evaluation of their academic experience in the PSP to attach to their worksheet to the ICLS office.

Faculty and students interested in psychoanalytic events at ICLS can request to join the ICLS-PSP listserv via an email to


 The Heyman Center for the Humanities, Room B-101
74 Morningside Drive
New York, NY, 10027
  (212) 854-4541
  (212) 854-3099