September 6, 2023
Jerome Greene Annex, Columbia University
6:15 pm – 8:45 pm
Event Organizer
Center for Contemporary Critical Thought
Event Sponsor
Event Co-Sponsor(s)
Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities
1/13 | Defend the Atlanta Forest/Stop Cop City, Notre-Dame-Des-Landes, & Temporary Autonomous Zones
(Photo: Matthew Pearson/WABE)
Kamau Franklin, André Pettman, Tiffany Williams Roberts, and Bernard E. Harcourt
Defend the Atlanta Forest/#StopCopCity, the ZAD de Notre-Dame-des-Landes, and Temporary Autonomous Zones
Please RSVP here.
Wednesday, September 6, 2023 | 6:15-8:45 PM
Jerome Greene Annex, Columbia University
For up to date information about this event, please visit 1/13 | Defend the Atlanta Forest/Stop Cop City, Notre-Dame-des-Landes, and Temporary Autonomous Zones.
Please email disability@columbia.edu to request disability accommodations. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for accessibility needs.