End Date : May 3, 12:00 am
James Room, Barnard Hall and Columbia Maison Française
We invite you to Crossing Worlds: Translation, Eventfulness and the Political, a conference organized by the Center for Translation Studies at Barnard College and the Columbia Institute for Comparative Literature and Society
Crossing Worlds: Translation, Eventfulness and the Political, a conference organized by the Center for Translation Studies at Barnard College and the Columbia Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, with the generous co-sponsorship of the Maison Française, the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, the Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies, the Department of French and Romance Philology, and the Department of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University.
May 2 and 3, 2014 (Held at Barnard College and the Columbia Maison Française)
This event is free and open to the public.
With the participation of: Emily Apter (NYU), Tamara Chin (Brown), Peter Connor (Barnard), Souleymane Bachir Diagne (Columbia), Karen Van Dyck (Columbia), Brent Edwards (Columbia), Nergis Ertürk (Penn State), Stathis Gourgouris (Columbia), Michael Hill (University of South Carolina), Lydia Liu (Columbia), Rosalind Morris (Columbia), Brian O’Keeffe (Barnard), Avital Ronell (NYU), Naoki Sakai (Cornell), Shaden Tageldin (University of Minnesota), Phillip John Usher (Barnard), Hent de Vries (Johns Hopkins), and David Wills (Brown).
For more information, please visit barnard.edu/translation/crossingworlds or email Casey McNamara at cmcnamara@barnard.edu