End Date :
The Heyman Center, Second Floor Common Room
The Heyman Center for the Humanities
Friday November 22, 2019 at 12:00 pm
This event is a workshop bringing together past and present writers for Synapsis: A Health Humanities Journal (medicalhealthhumanities.com), which Dr. Arden Hegele and Dr. Rishi Goyal have co-edited since 2017. While our writers—graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, junior faculty, and physicians—have collaborated in a digital space, they have had few occasions to meet in person, and never directly under the auspices of the journal. In this Friday afternoon event, then, we propose to invite writers to come together to discuss our shared goals for the medical and health humanities, to consider how our institutional contexts might work together to support collaboration, and to evaluate how our network of early-career scholars might make the strongest impact on the field (including the formation of an editorial board). The event will include an open conversation reporting on our current activities in the health and medical humanities; brief presentations from writers on their recent scholarship; group workshops led by members of the Justice-in-Education Initiative and the Creative Resilience Collective; and a working dinner where we will discuss future aims for the journal.
The workshop will continue the work of the Explorations in the Medical Humanities series (launched in 2017), with a new emphasis on creating collaborations among early-career scholars from a variety of institutions.
The event is free and open to the public, but advance registration is required by emailing Dr. Arden Hegele at aah2155@columbia.edu