328 Milbank Hall, Barnard College
Institute for Comparative Literature and Society
The Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities
Barnard College Religion Department
The graduate students of Columbia University’s Department of Religion’s conference this year will explore religion and the future for the department’s annual graduate student conference. We are interested in the points of intersection, contested and shifting boundaries, symbiotic relationships, and antagonisms of “religion” and the “future” (broadly conceived), examinations of which represent a space of enormous potential for our discipline.
What will the future bring for religion?
What futures are expected, hoped for, or feared, and how has that relationship changed as future possibilities shift and expand?
What can history tell us about how people have conceived of, engaged with, or experienced an ever-approaching future?
What may the future be for scholars of religion, and what methodological and theoretical approaches can be applied to the study of something that hasn’t happened yet?
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