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Second Floor Common Room,
The Heyman Center for the Humanities
In what way does the publication of Foucault’s Collège de France lectures change our interpretation of his published books? How have they contributed to our appreciation of his research trajectory? Join two editors of the French edition of Foucault’s lectures, Frederic Gros and Bernard Harcourt, and Anupama Rao, Daniele Lorenzini, Arianna Sforzini, Dotan Leshem for a roundtable discussion of these and other questions surrounding the newly released Foucault lectures.
Frederic Gros is professor of political philosophy at the University of Paris XII and Sciences Po, and the editor of courses by Michel Foucault at the Collège de France, including The Courage of Truth,The Hermeneutics of the Subject, The Government of Self and Others,and Subjectivity and Truth(forthcoming). He is the author of several books on the history of psychiatry and penal philosophy, including États de violence. Essai sur la fin de la guerre(Gallimard, 2006) and Le Principe sécurité(Gallimard, 2012).
Bernard E. Harcourt is professor of political theory and law at the University of Chicago and directeur d’études at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris; during 2013-14, he is the Stephen and Barbara Friedman Visiting Professor of Law at Columbia Law School. He is the author of The Illusion of Free Markets: Punishment and the Myth of Natural Order(Harvard University Press 2011) and the editor of Michel Foucault’s 1972-73 lectures at the Collège de France, La Société punitive (Gallimard 2013). Most recently, he published with Michael Taussig and W.J.T. Mitchell,Occupy: Three Inquiries in Disobedience(University of Chicago Press 2013).
Daniele Lorenzini is a Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy at the Universities of Paris-Est Créteil and La Sapienza of Rome, where he is currently writing a dissertation on the relationship between ethics and politics in the thoughts of Michel Foucault, Pierre Hadot and Stanley Cavell. His interests include contemporary continental philosophy, analytic philosophy, political theory, French epistemology, history of Christianity, film and literary studies. He is the author of Jacques Maritain e i diritti umani(Brescia: Morcelliana, 2012) and the co-editor of Michel Foucault, L’origine de l’herméneutique de soi (Paris: Vrin, 2013).
Arianna Sforzini is a Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy at the Universities of Paris-Est Créteil and of Padua, and a teaching assistant at the University of Paris-Est Créteil. She is writing a dissertation on the role of theatre in the philosophy of Michel Foucault. Her researches involve the fields of aesthetics, politics and contemporary philosophy. She is the coeditor with Daniele Lorenzini of Un demi-siècle d’Histoire de la folie (Paris: Kimé, 2013), and with Daniele Lorenzini and Ariane Revel ofMichel Foucault: éthique et courage de la vérité (Paris: Vrin, 2013). She is actually writing for Les Presses Universitaires de France: Michel Foucault et la pensée du corps(forthcoming 2014).
Anupama Rao is an associate professor at Barnard College.Her latest book, The Caste Question (University of California Press, 2009) theorizes caste subalternity, with specific focus on the role of anti-caste thought (and its thinkers) in producing alternative genealogies of political subject-formation through the vernacularization of political universals. She has also written on the themes of colonialism and humanitarianism, and on non-Western histories of gender and sexuality.
Dotan Leshem is a visiting scholar at the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University. He is the author of several articles on ancient economic thought, including “The Ancient Art of Economics” and “Oikonomia Redefined,” and is currently working on a manuscript thattraces the origins of liberal and neoliberal governmentality in Greek Patristic pastoral and theologica economy. This semester, he is teaching a course on “Foucault and Economics” at Columbia.