Zoom Event
Lydia H. Liu, Director of ICLS
and Anupama Rao, Associate Director of ICLS
The Institute for Comparative Literature and Society
The Ambedkar Initiative at ICLS
The Ambedkar lecture series is cosponsored by the Office of EVP of Arts and Sciences; Barnard Provost’s Office; Office of the Deans of Humanities and Social Sciences; IRAAS; AAADS; IRCPL; MESAAS; CSER; CU Libraries; and CU Press
Join the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society as we launch our 2020-2021 web series on Understanding Systemic Racism. We will begin with ICLS Co-Founder Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak speaking on “Isaac Woodard and Isabel Wilkerson”. Professor Spivak will be interviewed by Yosan Alemu (CC’21) and Nwakego Nwasike (Alumna, American Studies at CSER), with Professor Brent H. Edwards (English and Comparative Literature and Jazz Studies) moderating.
This event has been recorded and can be found on our ICLS Columbia Youtube Channel.