523 Butler Library
Columbia University
535 W 114th St.
New York, NY 10027
Timothy Lundy, Liza McIntosh and Bernadette Myers, doctoral candidates from the Columbia Department of English and Comparative Literature.
Institute for Comparative Literature and Society
Department of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University
Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Heyman Center for the Humanities
Society of Fellows in the Humanities
Graduate Student Advisory Council
World Making seeks to spark a conversation about the many ways in which early modern literature imagines, revises, and attempts to control the dimensions of the world. It asks how conceptions of the planet (whether physical, geopolitical, cultural, or climatological) shaped political participation; how early modernity modulated between local structures and global frameworks; and how various textual and literary forms sought to represent the world: even, at times, interrogating anthropocentric perspectives. Our speakers draw on a diverse set of methodologies, including comparative literary and cultural studies, ecocriticism, queer theory, and critical race studies, among other approaches, to ask how literature can help us reimagine our participation in the shared conditions of daily life on Earth.