Annie Pfeifer interviewed for Columbia News on transition to online instruction

November 5, 2020 – Topics of Interest

Germanic Languages Assistant Professor Annie Pfeifer, alongside several faculty members, spoke about her work with the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) during the transition to online teaching in Columbia News.

“Instead of trying to recreate the physical classroom experience, think about ways you can provide a different kind of experience by using the features of Zoom, CourseWorks, polls, and even the chat function over Zoom. For me, teaching online works best when I stop comparing it to the ‘real thing’ in person,” said Pfeifer. “In the CTL workshops, I learned about the multiple functions of CourseWorks, which make it easier to grade and keep track of assignments. I am also using the ‘collaboration’ feature on Courseworks for sharing notes with students.”

In terms of asynchronous coursework, Pfeifer aimed to rethink and retool storytelling in her class, “Grimms’ Fairy Tales: Power, Gender, and Narrative,” by asking students to “transcribe and record their own fairy tales and post them online to create a kind of virtual storytelling community, where they can listen and engage with each other.”

To read more of her interview, visit Columbia News.

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