Anupama Rao featured in Borderlines Interview “To Think Otherwise”
On December 3rd, Anupama Rao, ICLS faculty member, was featured in an interview on Borderlines. During this interview titled “To Think Otherwise,” Anupama Rao speaks to Kelvin Ng about the questions that her book addressed and the debates it raised. They discuss how the book shifted the debate on caste from questions of social justice and the state to problems of personhood and Dalit subject formation; the way in which it drew from writing on slavery, anti-slavery and emancipation; Ambedkar’s anger at the unavailability of the Dalit subject in history; the dilemmas of competing minorities: the emergence of the Dalit subject and the unmaking of the Muslim subject in South Asia; different receptions to the book; the convergence of subaltern thought with global history; and contemporary Indian politics as a contingent process.
The full interview can be viewed on the Borderlines Website here.
This interview is also a part of our Ambedkar Initiative.