Congratulations to the ICLS affiliated faculty winners of Spring 2020 Humanities War & Peace Initiative Grants

July 1, 2020 – Achievements

The Humanities War and Peace Initiative (HWPI) fosters the study of war and peace from the perspective of scholars in the Humanities, in conversation with colleagues from around Columbia and the world.

Congratulations to the ICLS affiliated faculty who won the Spring 2020 Humanities War & Peace Initiative Grants.  To learn more about these projects and about the Initiative, visit

War, State, Commune: An International conference
Bruno Bosteels (LAIC)

Repatriation, Restitution, and Reparations – Accra
Eileen Gillooly (SoF/Heyman)

War and Peace in the Ancient World
John Ma (Classics)

Inflamed Publics: A Sensory Study of Social Media, Violence, and Resistance
Ying Qian (EALAC)

Regarding Vieques: Or How to See War and Peace When Neither is Visible
Frances Negron-Muntaner (English)

Aldous Huxley and Pacifism
Gauri Viswanathan (English)


 The Heyman Center for the Humanities, Room B-101
74 Morningside Drive
New York, NY, 10027
  (212) 854-4541
  (212) 854-3099