As a resource to the ICLS community, we provide this space to disseminate announcements of interest. Here you will find recognition of achievements and academic program reminders.

ICLS Class of 2021 Senior Theses
July 27, 2021
News Category: Achievements
Introducing the PhD Certificate Students of Class of 2021
June 11, 2021
News Category: Achievements
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak pens essay for Abolition Democracy
June 11, 2021
News Category: Topics of Interest
Seth Kimmel wrote about bookstores and their functionality for Public Books
June 11, 2021
News Category: Topics of Interest
 The Heyman Center for the Humanities, Room B-101
74 Morningside Drive
New York, NY, 10027
  (212) 854-4541
  (212) 854-3099